Avoid These Brand Colour Mistakes

🎨 Avoid these brand colour mistakes! ⤵️

It's not uncommon these days to DIY your branding colour scheme (in fact, we have a free & paid Canva Branding Board Kit if you want to DIY your own - click here), but it's important for your brand image to still look professional and maintain a consistent distinctive brand appeal.

If your branding looks cheap people will expect cheap prices, cheap service, and a cheap experience. And we both know your business is better than that!

So here's a few mistakes to avoid looking like a DIY rookie and more like a pro:

❌ Choosing colours you like, instead of what works for the brand and target market

Just because it's your favourite colour, doesn't mean it makes sense for your brand. If your brand is meant to be about relaxation & calm, bright red is a poor choice. But it might work well for a confident or authoritative style.

❌ Choosing a colour palette that has ONLY strong colours or ONLY soft colours

Nothing screams DIY job more than a colour palette that doesn't have a mix of strong and soft colours. These colours have different uses throughout your branding, so there needs to be a range of both soft and strong, bold and neutral.

❌ Not picking any contrasting colours

You need contrasting colour, even if it's just a pop, in your branding. This is especially important for things like website buttons. Your conversions drop off significantly if the button colour is one that blends in, instead of contrasting and standing out.

✅ You've got this! Colour is a complicated topic, but the best way to learn is just to dive in. Grab our free Canva Mini Branding Board template to get started!



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