How To Write Better Email Subject Lines

The art of the subject line is possibly the most crucial part of your email – but they are easily overlooked.

Here's our quick tips for writing better email subject lines and increasing your open rates!

How To Write Better Email Subject Lines


  • Keep it short: Allow your subscribers to read your entire subject line by keeping it under 50 characters or 5-7 words.
  • Capitalise the first word only – keep it personal and casual just like a chat between friends.
  • Add an emoji to stand out and avoid using lots of exclamation points or capitalised words.
  • Use action words in phrases such as “Look what’s arrived” instead of “here’s an update”.
  • Create some urgency by using words such as “available now”, “hurry - it’s your last chance” or “ending soon”. Being direct works well for conversion.
  • Avoid the spam filters by always avoiding the words “urgent”, “free” or “limited” - they are an automatic flag for spam
  • Personalise your subject line by using merge tags for first names. For example “Hey Sarah, we’re excited to share this with you”.
  • Offer a “hook” - the most juicy, value-based piece of info should be the topic of your subject line. It should draw and capture the attention of what your audience would want or relate to.

How do you go when writing email subject lines? Do you prioritise them or are they more of an afterthought? Let us know in the blog comments below. 


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