Is Your Customer Service Mobile Friendly?

With more and more customers using mobile it's become essential that your customer service channels are mobile friendly.

Here's our simple tips for increasing mobile friendliness for your customers:

Offer help on a mobile-friendly platform. It may seem obvious, but many support pages are generally not optimised for mobile. Ensuring yours is puts you one step ahead of your competition.

Make the font LARGER. If you’re building a support or FAQ’s page do two things: make the layout simple and the font larger. This will make it easier for someone to see on their smartphone. You also want to avoid placing buttons too close together (for those with clumsy finger syndrome).

Use texts. Many companies have begun to use text messaging to provide customer support. In a society obsessed with text messaging, this approach makes sense. It's even possible for your reps to respond from their computers for faster, cleaner service.

Use social media to offer support. Many consumers are now turning to social media for customer service support. Ensure you are responding to comments and messages anywhere you have a social media presence to keep your customers happy and engaged.

And there we have it - we told you it was simple! Let us know which tip was the most helpful in the comments.



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