Meet one of our very own…*

​​​We’d like to introduce you to EMILY, a new member of our team who you probably remember from last week! ​​​​​​​​

​​​We’d like to introduce you to EMILY

Emily loves building brands and developing marketing strategies that truly connect with people, she likes being a force for connection and care, especially in a world that is sometimes cynical about ‘marketing’.​​​​​​​​ ❤️
She believes marketing exists to elevate daily experiences and loves to help people. She has enjoyed noticing the shift in consumerism and how brands are now reflecting inwards to look at their values this year. It’s all about brands living their values and communicating them via their branding and marketing. ​​​​​​​​🤝
Her favourite brand this week: she is loving Saint Valentine Jewellery @saint_valentine_jewellery and can often be seen draped in one of their pieces.​​​​​​​​
Say a big, warm welcome to Emily and if you have any brand or marketing questions you would love answered, let Emily be your go-to-girl. Simply drop us a message in the comments or stories, Emily is here to answer your questions! 👋🏻



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