If Your Business Is A Success, My Team Is A Success Too!

Smiling Portrait of Peggy

That’s me (Peggy) 🤓, I smile a lot. I can't help it. I'm just a smiley type of person. Luckily, clients like seeing a smile over Zoom.

Especially when they come to me with upsetting website problems caused by their previous inexperienced marketing or website agency 👎. It happens often. If I only had a dollar for the mere mention of it.

Whether you have an official eCommerce or website plan (or lack there of), having expert help for your website strategies can be the difference between raising the bounce rate (leaving your store within seconds) or launching a successful website!

⚡️ If you have been let down by dodgy agencies before, do not let it affect how you move on appropriate business decisions. Remember, there are always other more experienced, happier experts that will be willing to support, help and let you be heard (like me🤓).

Consulting with me is NOT a program or a one-way conversation. Our meetings are real one-on-one connection, interaction and honest, experienced advice that’s personalised to your business. Because I care about your successes and your failures 🤩 I want to see you grow and succeed. Because let's face it, I want my consultancy to be your reason for success!

If your business is a success, my team is a success too! We cheer for your wins!


🌟 New Website Builds or Revamps
🌟 Essential Website Framework for Success
🌟 Communication & Sales Strategies
🌟 How To Utilise Sales Channels
🌟 Email Campaign Tactics
🌟 Pricing & Promotion Strategies
🌟 Logo & Brand Name development
🌟 Website applications and software

Ready to make the right decisions and learn directly from my 17 years in business and marketing experience? Get in touch to chat about our brand & marketing services. 2022 is booking up fast! 💌




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