Quick Content Strategy Checklist

⚡️ Ready to stop relying toooooo much on social media for marketing? Here's a quick content strategy checklist to give you back control over your marketing ⤵️​​​​​​​​
📝 Build long-form content on your website and blog, all ending with a clear call-to-action, lead form, download or other actionable content that collects the reader's info.​​​​​​​​
📲 Repurpose that content into shorter pieces that you can promote on social media, but driving back to your website/blog.​​​​​​​​
🔎 Observe what types of content performs best with your audience, and what they engage in (e.g. infographics, quizzes, video, audio, podcasts, etc.)​​​​​​​​
♻️ Repurpose your long-form content into these alternative content formats.​​​​​​​​
Want to get a handle on your content marketing? Get in touch to discuss how we can help your brand shine and free up your spare time!



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