Why You Should Start Blogging For Business In 2022

Have you been ignoring the power of blogging?

Not to add another item to your marketing to-do list, but blogging is one of THE best ways to boost your website traffic. We won’t bore you with all the technical reasons WHY it’s so effective (even though we could probably talk about SEO and adding value to your customers for HOURS 🤣), just know that as your resident marketing experts: it’s E-F-F-E-C-T-I-V-E 👌

Why You Should Start Blogging For Business In 2022

If you’ve been thinking about strategies like paying for ads but haven’t considered blogging first, listen up — because we’re about to save you a BUNCH on ad spend.

📣 Blogging can help you by:

📈 Driving website traffic. Businesses using blogs get 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. Blogging is a POWERFUL way to boost your website in search engines.

🤠 Developing brand personality. Through your blog theme, voice, and content, you can tailor content to express what gives your brand its edge in the market.

✂️ Content Re-purposing. Re-purposing and re-mixing blog content for your social channels is the easiest way to fill up your marketing calendar. Never be lost on what to post again!

🤝 Building consumer trust. An educative and informative blog will increase your consumer trust. By providing content that answers important questions and provides advice, customers will be more inclined to buy your products or select your service.

❤️ Giving a way for brands to interact. Blogs are the perfect platform to encourage 'approachable' interaction for your customers.

🧠 Facilitating forward-thinking. All of the time you will dedicate to researching the latest industry trends, tips, and most asked questions will boost your thought leadership. Get ready for expert-status!

➡️ Head on over to our Insta-tips blog to read more about how blogging can help your business!



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