How To Personalise Your Brand

In the old days of marketing, it was common to use as many strategies as possible to reach as many people as possible, but ultimately earning only a small number of customers. With personalised marketing, marketers can target specific people with relevant messages for more effective results.

How to personalise your brand

What is personalised marketing?

Simply put, personalised marketing aims to deliver brand messages to individual potential customers by using data and analytics to target specific people. Consumers have no interest in being bombarded with information that isn’t relevant to them, which is why old marketing tactics like TV ads or cold calls are no longer as effective. Marketing is all about the customer experience, which is why personalisation works. 71% of customers feel frustrated when they encounter an impersonal experience, and 72% of customers will exclusively engage with personalised messages. 

There are many benefits to using personalised marketing, including:

  • Higher conversion.
  • A better understanding of customers. 
  • Increased customer engagement.
  • Increase in received feedback.
  • More social sharing and brand affinity.
  • Better lead nurturing.
  • Higher customer retention.
  • Increased revenue.

Personalisation Strategies

A personalised marketing strategy is certainly worth investing in. There are several brand personalisation strategies to consider using for your business that will help establish your brand as one that customers identify with and feel loyal to. 

Humanise Your Customer Service 

One of the most effective personalisation strategies you can adopt is by simply humanising your customer service. To do this, you can:

  • Empower your customer service representatives with the tools and knowledge they need to serve customers in the best way possible.
  • Learn as much as possible about your customers, including their names, information and history. When your customer service representatives have this information on hand, they can interact with customers on a personal level. People like to be addressed by their names. Your customers will feel a human connection, not like just another number. CRM software can help with this.
  • Customers love being rewarded for loyalty. There are different ways of rewarding your customers, such as discounts after spending a certain amount or free services after a certain number of paid-for services. 

Businesswoman writing in notepad

Write Targeted Copy

By personalising the copy of your content, your customers will feel like they're talking to someone who understands them. Understanding your customers’ pain points, problems, interests, and needs make it easier to create content that is relevant to them, which will result in more conversions. 

Your audience wants to feel understood and spoken to in a way that suits them. The tone of voice your customer will best respond to often depends on the type of industry you’re in and their specific demographic. In general, customers want to be spoken to in a friendly, casual tone, as if they’re having a real conversation. 

If you personalise the copy for your product descriptions, videos, landing pages, blogs and such, you will see higher conversion rates.

Use Personalised Pop-Ups

Businesses can use personalised pop-ups to reach their customers while they're on their website, making it easier for them to catch their attention and keep them engaged. With information a visitor to your website gives you, such as their name or username, you can create a personalised experience for their future visits. An on-screen pop-up that features someone’s name is far more likely to get their attention and encourage conversion than a generic pop-up.

Social Media Marketing

business content creator tools

Social media should be a prioritised aspect of any good marketing campaign. More than 4.5 billion people around the world use at least one type of social media. Any brand needs to have a social media presence if they have any hopes of connecting with their customers on a personal level. Social media platforms offer brands a place to interact with their customers on a one-on-one level through posts, comments and DMs. With automation, marketers can send highly personalised messages to their social media connections or followers, further humanising the brand.

Message Consistency 

Your brand should have one consistent, coherent message. Your customers should be able to perceive one easily recognisable message across any platform, advertisement, or post. Your brand’s message should align with your company’s values, brand identity, and core mission. This consistency builds brand trust. Any marketing messages delivered by a brand should be informed by, if not centred around, this one consistent message. 

Show your brand personality

86% of shoppers prefer to interact with a brand that has an authentic, honest brand personality. Gone are the days when a brand needed to present a clean, corporate image 100% of the time. While that may be true in a select few instances, a brand displaying their personality, quirks and all, humanises them in the eyes of their customers. When customers enjoy a brand’s personality, they are more likely to feel loyal to them.

Interested in personalised marketing for your businesses? Need more tips on brand personalisation experts? Get professional help from hands-on experts by getting in touch with the Marketing Your Brand team.

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