How Much Should You Pay for a Logo Design?

Why Lasting Value is More Important Than a Low Price!

No matter what the nature of your business, the logo you design is more than just a picture. To your customers, your logo design is a symbol of your brand. To the public at large, your logo design is a visual representation of your company and what it does. 

How Much Should You Pay for a Logo Design?

With so much on the line, the choice of a logo design is one of the most important decisions your business will ever make. You can probably think of companies that got their logo design right - and a few that floundered and then embarked on expensive rebranding efforts and additional logo design.

So how do you get it right, and what should you expect to spend for a quality logo design? As with so many things in the world of business, there is no one right answer to this question. Every business is unique, and every business owner has its own set of priorities. That having been said, here are some key considerations to help you find a winning logo design at a price your company can afford.

From Zero to Thousands of Dollars

The price of a logo design varies widely, from nothing at all to many thousands of dollars. But before you grab the lowest price or seek out your own free logo design tools, you need to think carefully. There are a number of free logo design tools on the internet, but the value and quality of the finished product can be even lower than the price you pay. If you use the wrong tool, you could end up with a poor logo design - one that does not accurately reflect your business or the brand image you aim to project.

Worse yet, free logo design tools sometimes use copyrighted images, and that could put you on the wrong side of an infringement action. In the end, that "free" logo design could end up costing you thousands of dollars and put you right back at the starting point.

Logo Designers - What They Do and How Much They Cost

There are a number of logo designers out there, and they all charge different prices. If you are looking for a basic logo design, you could spend as little as $100 or even less, but it is important to look at what you are getting for your money.

The most basic logo designs allow you to choose from a selection of simple fonts and stock images. Since the selection is limited, the turnaround time can be very fast. On the other hand, the limitations of the selection could make it difficult to find images that truly reflect what your business is all about.

Logo Designers - What They Do and How Much They Cost


Experienced Design Studios

If you are looking for something more than a basic logo design, working with an experienced design studio can be a smart option. When you work with an experienced and professional logo designer, you will have access to not only stock images but custom-designed ones as well.

The availability of in-house artists and professional consultation offers big benefits for many businesses, including the ability to better represent their companies and their brands. Keep in mind, however, that these additional services come with an extra cost. You can expect to spend several hundred dollars, or even a thousand or more, for these types of services.

Working with a professional design firm has other benefits as well, including access to advice and guidance. Most business owners are not expert logo designers, so having that impartial advice can be very important. Many a DIY logo designer has lived to regret their decision, and there are times when professional assistance is warranted.

Midrange Options

While many business owners will be satisfied with a basic logo design that uses stock images and standard fonts, others will be more demanding. For businesses that need additional options (such as sub-marks & graphic elements), the midrange cost of professional logo design runs anywhere from $500 to around $2500. For their money, those business owners get a professional design, including access to custom artwork and nontraditional fonts and lettering.

Business owners who choose the midrange option can also benefit from
specific industry expertise, an important advantage in certain lines of
business. If you choose this option for logo design, it is important to vet the
company carefully - with so much on the line, you want to make sure you
are getting the most for your money.

Freelance Logo Design

The rise of freelancers and the popularity of the gig economy has created a wealth of professional logo designers, some who work alone and others who operate as small teams. If you are looking for high-quality logo design at an affordable cost, hiring a freelancer can be a smart move.

As with other types of logo design, the costs of hiring a freelancer varies widely. Some overseas freelancers to the industry may work for less than $20 an hour, while more experienced logo designers usually charge $100 or more. Before you hire a freelancer to design your logo, you need to find out how they bill for their services. Some freelancers charge by the hour, while others charge a flat rate for the completion of each project. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, and it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully.

Experience is another vital consideration when hiring a freelancer to design your logo. Logo design is not an easy task, and you want someone who understands the intricacies of branding and market segmentation as well as the process of design.


Designing the perfect logo is no easy task, but the success of your business depends on it. A company logo is more than just a piece of artwork - it is the visual representation of your business and your brand. The logo is the first thing customers see, and the design of that logo will determine that all important first memorable impression.

Whether you need an initial logo for your brand new business or a redesign as part of a rebranding effort, you need the right professional by your side. That is why Marketing Your Brand offers tiered Logo Development & Strategy options.


log design example from Marketing Your Brand


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