

Founder of Marketing Your Brand, Website Strategist, Brand Enthusiast & EducatorI help future-focused founders create successful
BRANDS & WEBSITES their customers LOVE!



My soft spot for small businesses settled in early on.

In 2004, I was just 19 when I surprised everyone - including myself - by building a successful Australian fashion label with little more than some bright-eyed enthusiasm, the brilliance of my best-friend and boot-strapped organic marketing efforts that had us flying by the seat of our shorts into 16 luxury designer stores (along with a Myer contract).

Sans social media, mind you. It didn’t even exist back then.

And if you’ve ever heard the unbelievable fable of the femme-preneur that put a delightfully groomed standard poodle on the runway at Australian Fashion Week, you’re welcome. That was me.

Needless to say, I loved every second of scrambling to find creative ways to fuel the marketing buzz for my brand.

Yet despite my success, it didn’t really sink in that my future was in small business marketing until life reminded me that it was short, and it was up to me to make it sweet.

So, I did.

I leapt off the ledge, devoted myself to earning a Bachelor of Business Communications, and simultaneously dove face first into a full-time career as a marketing freelancer.

If Cirque du Soleil had seen me back then, they’d have hired me on the spot. I juggled lectures, copywriting, html and media budgets simultaneously without breaking a sweat (okay, maybe with the help of some clinical strength Red Bull).

Over my business and marketing career, I have had a front row seat to witnessing the wealth of misguided mistakes business owners make when it comes to their marketing. There were doozies, disasters, and dramas galore. And each time they happened, I was called in to correct and create a strategy to turn their stress into success.

Over time, I developed a sixth sense for the strategies that would work and the ones that were destined to fall short. And gently steering my clients towards the winners meant I got to see just how consistently the right marketing could achieve generous repeat returns on investment.

Flash forward a few 17 – cough okay, over a decade cough – years later and I’ve been responsible for marketing and PR strategies that have generated upwards of $10.8 million worth of sales for the brands I’ve helped (I stopped counting in 2018).

Today, I’m the smiling marketing specialist leading my (amazing, by the way) team in helping small businesses shift their misguided marketing, start-up stress and content confusion into a harmonious, high-converting online presence their audience adores.

I’ve lovingly cared for budgets from $0 per month to $80,000 per month and I can assure you – your budget doesn’t determine your success.

Sure, a healthy budget can be a catalyst to action. But true marketing success comes down to doing the right things at the right time in the right way.

Which I know is the confusing part for many small businesses! That’s why I founded Marketing Your Brand.

My team and I are here for you at every stage of your business. From start-up to scale-up, we have a service or consultation that works for what you need. We take a holistic approach to all your brand, content and website needs.

I'm here to be your guide, roll up my sleeves to get the work done, and help you build a marketable brand and website.


(just a small handful)

“Launching a brand new product to an actively engaged database of over 36,000.”

“The first time I saw the client’s advertising on… A bus. A Taxi. A Billboard. In a Magazine. In a Newspaper. On a Front Cover. Online. Heard on the radio. On TV. In a Retail Store. On a Sponsors Website. At the Cinema. As a Headline.. Basically, the first time for everything is always a highlight.”

“Halving the bounce rate, tripling the time visitors spent on the site, & doubling the amount of client bookings the client had per month, all because we delivered them a new website."

“Conducting Media Interviews in a room of over 70 Australian journalists.”

“Implementing my first international Campaign at 2am Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).”

“Realising that my combined Marketing and Public Relations Method’s had generated more than $10 million worth of sales figures.”

“Finding out a Client saved $20,000, because I managed their website development & launch.”

“Once being a 19 year old Business Partner & Entrepreneur – closing a deal with Myer, one of Australia’s biggest retailers, while simultaneously coordinating sales of another 16 Designer Retailers across Australia.”

“Reaching my first Million of generated sales figures.”

“Having a client follow me across the last decade of my entire career (and package increases) because they love the quality of work and level of service I provide them.”

“The first time I realised my campaign’s organic Return On Investment (ROI) was 33 x the advertising spend.”

“Having the Director of a prominent Australian Software company directly quote me at an IT conference.”

“Having a client walk into the office and say the best thing they ever did for their business was … hiring me.”

“Launching a successful Media Event with over 500 people in attendance. With a team of 2. On 1 hour sleep.”

“Working with Olivia Newton-John, Alex Perry, Joe Labero, Kimberley Busteed, Jules Lund (Getaway), Grant Denyer (Sunrise), Liz Cantor (The Great South East), Channel Seven News, Channel Nine News, Channel Ten News, A Current Affair & more.”

“A client claimed – I was their Marketing-Superhero.”


I don’t blame you. Head on over to @marketing.your.brand to get those pint sized action points.

(Warning: content may inspire business ideas!)