Create scroll-stopping
social media graphics using

with Marketing Your Brand


Learn novice-friendly Canva skills so you can break away from looking like every other brand using the same Canva template as you - without slaving away at your desk for hours, and without throwing thousands of dollars at designers who don't get your brand.

Trust me, I've been there & I GET IT.

You're pushing out far less content a week than you would like to, due to the time it’s taking you to create it.

You finally find a Canva template you like, only to realise everyone else is using it too - and your graphics all look similar now.

You've got the best of intentions to stay consistent with your branding, but can’t nail down a cohesive and curated looking Instragam & Pinterest feed.

You’re spending ages finding elements and photos to convey the right message, so they don't look tacky or off-brand.

You’re overwhelmed learning a new platform and wrangling another piece of tech that isn't your forte.

You’re done paying someone else to create social media graphics, and ending up with designs that don't feel authetically 'you'.

This course is for you!

There are thousands of Canva courses out there. You know. You've been there - only to get to the end of a video or two to realise that you've now wasted EVEN MORE time and not gotten anywhere. Ugh.


What makes this course different?

Well for starters, it is specifically designed and created for small business owners, solopreneurs, designers, or VA's who are looking to take control of their social media graphics. It's for those who want to break free from the been-there-done-that Canva templates and learn easy-to-follow techniques so that they can create eye-catching graphics EVERY.SINGLE.TIME in a fraction of the time. Without throwing in the towel from sheer tech frustration or end up spending a fortune on a designer or assistant who simply doesn't 'get' their brand!

Wouldn't it be nice if...

Canva no longer confuses you. You feel confident using it to consistently create scroll-stopping, instantly recognisable social media posts

You spend a fraction of the time fiddling with designs because you've learned the insider tips, tricks and shortcuts.

Your posts are not only on brand, but they're also completely unique and do not look like a copy+paste of another free Canva template.

You no longer have to outsource your designs to someone who doesn't "get it", you have full control over the look and feel of your online presence.

We'll cover everything you need to create scroll-stopping graphics in a matter of minutes

Lesson 0 - Canva Basics

Even if you have never seen the inside of a Canva account, we have got you covered.

This module covers the essential dashboard meet-and-greets to make sure you can approach Canva like an old friend from the get go.

Lesson 1 - The Brand Kit

Canva's brand kit is an incredibly useful (and timesaving!) tool.

We'll show you how to set up your brand kit, as well as how to use it to *instantly* rebrand an entire project into your exact brand colours and fonts.

Lesson 2 - Using & Editing Text

Text elements often form a key pillar in digital designs.

We'll show you timesaving shortcuts, and ways to make sure your branding remains consistent, as well as text effects that will help your design stand out in a crowd.

Lesson 3 - Using & Editing Photos

Canva offers a multitude of ways that you can incorporate pictures - whether from your own collection, or their extensive library of curated stock photography.

You'll learn how to add and edit photos, as well as how to use Canva's inbuilt photo effects.

Lesson 4 - Using Elements Like a Pro

Using consistent design elements helps your brand to establish an instantly recognisable online presence.

This module will teach you the tips and tricks around finding the perfect elements, how to use or edit elements as well as how to import custom, editable elements.

Lesson 5 - Working with Pages

There are many ways you can reuse, reorder or repurpose pages in a design, or across multiple designs even.

We will show you how you can manipulate pages in order to set up templates that you can reuse time and time again, without losing consistency in your designs and social media posts.

Lesson 6 - Bringing Them All Together

Now that you know how to use pages, images, elements and text, we will show you how to use them all simultaneously through layering, grouping and alignment.

Lesson 7 - Downloading Designs

There are tons of different formats, sizes and settings for downloading your designs.

We will show you the best settings to use when creating designs for social media.

Lesson 8 - Scheduling From Canva

Did you know you can schedule your social media posts directly from Canva?

We will walk you through its features and how to use them to save hours of time in copying posts to other apps.

Are you ready to create consistently scroll-stopping social media graphics in a fraction of the time?

Sign up today and access the entire course at the never-to-be-repeated founding member price of

$45 AUD

And get a copy of our Canva Branding Board template FREE!

Not sure if this is the course for you?

This course is perfect for you if:

You want your business to stand out amongst the noise, and you want to be proud of what you're presenting to the world.

You have a limited budget but want your visuals to be irresistible, perfectly on-brand and utterly professional.

You want to beat the tech overwhelm and feel confident knowing how to create graphics without spending eons figuring out how to do it.

You want branding that isnt another cookie cutter version of a popular Canva template, without having to redesign the wheel or starting every post from scratch.

If you still have questions

Who is this course for?

This course is specifically designed and created for small business owners, solopreneurs, designers, or VA's who are looking to take control of their social media graphics. Or want to break free from the been-there-done-that Canva templates and learn easy-to-follow techniques so that they can create eye-catching graphics EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. All in a fraction of the time - without throwing in the towel from sheer tech frustration and ending up spending a fortune on a designer or assitant who simply doesn't 'get' their brand.

Do I need a Canva Pro Account?

The course blends free and paid features of Canva. We also do a thorough overview of what is included in a paid (Pro) account of Canva, versus what you can achieve without it. A free Canva account is still bumper packed with amazing features, but if you would like to try any of the paid features you see in the course, commitment free, you can sign up for a free trial here.

Why is this better than just figuring Canva Pro out myself?

Yes, you could just Google or YouTube information, but imagine having it ALL IN ONE PLACE at your fingertips. This course will give you every Canva hack and design tip out there in a streamlined easy to understand format. We help fast track your Canva success so you can create your social media posts in a fraction of the time it takes to research and experiment on your own.

But what if I am not creative?

We firmly believe that everyone has enough creativity inside them to express their burning desire to make the world a better place through their products or services. Sometimes they just need a little guidance. If that's you, you've come to the right place. If you need a helping hand to get started, take a look at our Canva Social Media Templates Bundles here.