Working with the Agency + Consultancy

We help clients build future-focused websites and brands, that take customer's on a digital journey that inspires, connects, engages and converts. Our aim is to ensure customers fall in love with your business. Here are some common questions we get asked.

We specialise in websites that convert & brands that engage. As a one-stop-shop, we can help you scale with custom website builds, redesigns & upgrades, UI/UX conversion optimisation, organic SEO, brand strategy, identity & logo design, copywriting services & more.

Ask us for a tailored custom quote, today. Take a look at our range of services here

Contact Us

Ph: 1300 108 40


Leave a message here.

View our Client Showcase & Case Studies here.

The easiest way to find out more about our past work & what we can do for you, is to contact us and request our Brand Building Guide.

You can also take a look at our Client Showcase, we do not share sensitive information, but we do take you on a mini tour of some of our favourite client work.

Contact Us
Ph: 1300 108 40


Leave a message here.

View our Client Showcase & Case Studies here.

Yes, we do. We have been helping small business owners, companies and founders of all sizes since 2006. We know what it takes to help your business grow online.

We've also made getting professional support easy & accessible with on-demand hourly consults and hands-on help.

Take a look at our range of services here & our virtual online consultancy here for more info.


Have a question before you commit to one of our workshops? We are happy to help answer your questions.

The Bootcamp workshops were created for business savvy entrepreneurs, start-up sole-traders, assistants, employees that are stuck “doing it ALL”, and businesses that are ready to get their brand basics sorted so they can scale-up and succeed. 

Bootcamp sessions are delivered by Peggy Worrell, founder of Marketing Your Brand, and her in-house team of website developers, graphic designers and copywriters. Specialised workshop topics may also feature additional guidance or training from special guests and industry experts.

As much time as you need! You have up to 12 months to access and complete your session, and the time you spend to complete your workshop heavily relies on your goals and what you need to achieve. But pro tip: The time you put in directly correlates to what you get out of it.

As a benchmark, each workshop offers between 3-8 videos (at around ten minutes per video), weekly one-hour live group Q&A sessions on Zoom, a workbook, six exercises and many additional resources and quicklinks. As an average, we suggest allowing one hour of total video viewing for each workshop. You may also wish to go back and rewatch videos or redo the exercises as your business grows and evolves throughout the year.

Our sessions are available all year round so that you can work through and refer to them at your own pace. We do not launch/relaunch sessions throughout the year. Instead, we have chosen to use that additional energy to continually expand on the topics and goals of each session with additional videos & resources so that you are 100% satisfied with the workshop content.

You’ll have access to your session for as long as you need. And if you choose to purchase all 12 sessions (phwoar – go get ‘em!), you’ll be able to come back any time and upgrade your knowledge with our continuous updates.

Lifetime access is possible for all Build Your Website & Brand Workshops + our Create With Canva Course.

At the moment, no. We specialise in Shopify and WordPress websites only. You can apply strategies and skills learned to other platforms but we heavily focus on Shopify & Wordpress for their ease of use and flexibility.

Due to the digital workshop's high-value nature, we cannot offer refunds. However, if you are unsatisfied with the session you have selected, please contact us so that we may rectify the situation and assign you to an alternative workshop of the same value. Please note you only have 24 hours to notify us that you are unhappy with your workshop.

LEARN AT YOUR OWN PACE: You get lifetime access to your session once it is purchased. Workshops may be continually updated with new resources, exercises and reading as we continue best practice teachings. You may log into your portal at any time and learn at your own pace.

For established businesses, the short answer is no. You may choose to mix and match the most appealing sessions to focus on the areas you need the most help with. This is absolutely a choose your own adventure. 

For start-ups who want to build their brand and website the right way from day one, we suggest you start from session one: Brand Core. From there, work your way through to session 12 where you’ll Go Live!

Nope. Each session is designed to take you from clueless to in control (although it wouldn’t hurt to have a basic idea of the topic you’ve signed up for). 


And if you’re keen to learn more about your chosen session, you’ll love that we’ve included optional additional reading with our recommended free resources and other external links you can take advantage of. 

You may choose to read these prior to watching the video tutorials as they may help you in understanding concepts and applying the exercises to your business.

Depending on which one or how many sessions you join, each workshop is delivered from within your portal. Simply login to view all the videos within the session, download the workbooks, do the exercises, and gain access to the recommended additional resources or readings. If you have purchased more than one workshop, all the workshops you have purchased will be displayed and linked from within your portal login.

Absolutely! The exercises, principles and strategies discussed apply to both product-based eCommerce owners and service-based providers.


Essentially, if you plan on owning a website or want to develop a brand to represent you in a professional way, these workshops are for you. Please note: These workshops do have a heavy focus on building brands and websites for commercial appeal and purposes.

Absolutely! The exercises, principles and strategies discussed apply to both product-based eCommerce owners and service-based providers.


Essentially, if you plan on owning a website or want to develop a brand to represent you in a professional way, these workshops are for you. Please note: These workshops do have a heavy focus on building brands and websites for commercial appeal and purposes.

Then we’ll be here to help you get un-stuck with Zoom a Friend. This service unlocks your ability to book private one-to-one hands-on help with an expert via Zoom. During your private Zoom call, we can provide a higher level of hands-on assistance with remote control access of your computer for troubleshooting, or other in-house services such as HMTL coding assistance, website design, graphic design services, marketing advice, strategy and planning or copywriting. These come at an extra pre-paid hourly fee and are 100% optional. Please view more here.

Digital Downloads FAQs

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You can access your digital download immediately. At the end of your checkout, you will come to an order confirmation page, simply click the red button that says "Access Your Digital Download Here".

Alternatively, you can access your digital download at any time, via the email address you supplied at checkout. Simply check your inbox for an email from Marketing Your Brand. The subject line will say "Your Digital Purchase from Marketing Your Brand".