Collecting & Publishing Customer Reviews Is NON-NEGOTIABLE

❤️️ Collecting & publishing customer reviews is NON-NEGOTIABLE. Here are three key reasons why ⤵️

1. Published customer reviews - both on your website & other consumer review websites - can help your website rank much better in search engines.

2. Consumers are MUCH more likely to trust your business if they can read social proof in the form of reviews from other consumers. And don't be afraid of negative reviews - they can help you look *more* credible and are an opportunity to show off your stellar customer service to boot!

3. Published reviews decrease the number of abandoned carts by boosting trust and putting customers at ease about their purchase. No doubts here!

If you don't already – we absolutely recommend publishing reviews! If you'd like to learn more about this, including what to do when you receive a negative review then head on over to our Marketing Spotlight blog to read the full article here 💌



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